2013年3月26日 星期二

Make your own ricotta/paneer

How to make your ricotta: 
2 cups of full fat milk
A dash of cream (optional, for boosting the yield) 
2 tablespoons of vinegar /lemon juice
Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients to a microwaveable bowl and heat full power for 3 minutes. Stir and leave undisturbed for 10 minutes, until solids are separated (cheese) from the liquid (whey).
Drain the whey through layers of cheesecloth/kitchen paper. And then you'll have your ricotta Cheese.
Press while draining gives you paneer.

The whey can be reused to replace liquid when making bread. Nothing is wasted!

2 杯全脂奶 (脂肪越多你得到GE 成品就會越多)
少少cream (optional, 如果你有用剩GE CREAM就落冇就算, 都係用黎增加個yield)

2 tablespoons 醋/檸檬汁
入得叮叮爐GE 大碗一隻
CHEESE CLOTH 一片/KITCHEN PAPER 一堆 (隔水用, 其實我覺得搵條祝君早安用黎隔水幾好用:P )

將所有材料放曬落隻碗道, 之後微波爐大火叮3分鐘, 叮完攪攪佢再放埋一邊唔好整佢. 等10分鐘左右, 就會見到有結起一舊舊野沈底, 果D一舊舊野就係RICOTTA

用你自己GE 方法隔走D 水佢. 我自己係搵野不起然後放係KITCHEN PAPER 上面鯨乾水. 如果你鯨水鯨得越耐, 舊RICOTTA 就會越實身. 
如果你鯨水果時好似壓豆腐咁搵野壓住舊芝士黎鯨的話, 出黎果舊壓實左GE 芝士就係印度芝士 paneer

RICOTTA/ PANEER 整完可放2-3日左右, 不過當場係越新鮮越好食

D 水姐係WHEY(中文好似叫乳青?), 你可以留返黎猜包包, 將佢用黎代替左麵包食譜入面用GE 水就得, 唔洗浪費. 
用佢代替水的話, 整出黎D 包係會有奶香, 不過就冇用奶整咁肥(因為奶入面脂肪部份比你隔曬黎做芝士)

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