2013年5月16日 星期四

Make use of your leftover milk &yoghurt to make more yogurts(!) .

You will need a mug of milk, one tbs of bio yogurt as a starter culture, and something to put your new batch of yogurt in. An old jam jar disinfected with boiling water would do the job. 

1. Heat a cup of milk in microwave until it is a bit hotter than lukewarm. Let it cools down to a level that is not hot enough to burn you/ the bacteria in the yoghurt culture
2. Add the milk to the culture &mix well
3. Put the jar in somewhere warm until set. I picked a wrong day to start the project. It was too cold for the bacteria to do their job so i put the jar in a warm waterbath and insulated it with towels. Top up the waterbath with warm water if it has cooled down.
4. After 12 undisturbed hours, the yummy treat is ready! Nom nom nom