2014年12月14日 星期日

Xmas is around the corner!

And so the xmas set!

I just had a trip to Fresh and came out with this on me hands.
$500 for 6 lippies is a good deal isn't it? 

✿ 歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com

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✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717

- items mentioned in this post were
purchased by me. All opinions are honestly and completely mine. 
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見

2014年9月30日 星期二

Empties of August/September 14'

Hey ho! I am back from the hell of work and welcome back to the blogging!
It is the end of the month and it's the empties time again!
There aren't many empties these two months and you don't see many of the regulars.

Shlwasoo essential eye cream
I just love this baby.  It helps minimize the small lines around my eyes.  It is not very rich and i don't feel greasy when i have it on. 
The only down side of it Shlwasoo is posh.
Will i repurchase it?  Yes when i get extra dosh to splash out. 

Biore makeup removal facial wash
Errrr... how should i describe this wash?  It claimed to remove makeup while you wash your face,  but it dries my skin too much.
So i use it to remove my waterproof sunscreens (or get rid of my face makeups when i can't be bother to do this with a proper makeup remover lol)
It is one of the regulars in my house because it is dead cheap for removing sunscreen on body.
I will still buy it for removing my sunscreens. 

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Spa Sleeping Mask*
I love sleeping masks.  They are godsends for lazy barts like me.  You put them on,  let them dry up a bit and you can go to bed without washing it away.
I got this vichy mask from the 17th Applebox some time ago and i threw it into my mask box and forget about it.
One night i found this from my mask trash and decided to give it a go.
My skin felt moist after a night in it,  but this Vichy mask gave me two big spots on my cheek.
This is a no-goer for me,  i'm afraid.

Phyto c icy blue b5 gel
Mentioned in my -> empties of june 14 <- before, I tried a sample of this B5 gel before and I like it so I throw in a full size.

I will buy this again, but I can't resist sale and just bought 2 bottles of B5 gel from Bicelle. so I will wait until they are gone ;P

Senka Sunscreen SPF50 pa+++
(Sorry for recycling old photos, I forgot to take a snap before trashing the emptied bottle :( )
It is also something from my -> empties of june 14 <- . It just works as it claims. 
Will repurchase but maybe I won't need it before next summer ;)
Bifesta  micellar-Water  makeup remover

Huh? Bifesta but not my beloved bilayer eye makeup remover?
One day when I walked pass Citysuckerssuper, I saw Bifesta was doing a boxset with a bottle of bilayer remover & this micellar water. The  box set worked out much cheaper(!) than buying a lone bottle of bilayer remover so I gave that a go. 

To be frank, I don't like it. It does not even remove my foundation properly. It just doesn't work! It was left on my counter to collect dusk and I had completely forget about it. 
One day when I am back from work, mum came over with the empty bottle (!). She said she likes it, and ordered  asked me to get her a new one.

.............that's why I am still buying it despite I do not like it at all, and I am paying for it *facepalm*

Moist Diane Extra Moist damage repair hair mask*
I always want to try a silicon free hair product. My hair falls like no tomorrow and I heard waves about how silicon free hair products help preventing this happening.  
One day I saw Moist Diane's FB was doing a sample give-away on their products and of coz I rushed and applied one. 
Then this hair mask came through my postbox :)

I tried this on, my hair feels soft and light-weighted, and I got compliments from different people telling me my hair looks soft lovely.
What else should I say? This is definitely a YES for me!

✿ 歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿
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✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717
- items with* were products kindly provided by PR company. All Opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.
此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

- other items mentioned in this post were purchased by me
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見

2014年9月25日 星期四

Empties of March14

Empties are great,  every empty bottle means i have used up my stuff = i can buy something new lol

And here comes my byebye March lovelies. 

Bifesta bilayer eye makeup remover
Tbh i dont buy very expensive Facewash or mmakeup remover. these things dont stay on my face for very long.  And i just think spending hundreds for a bottle of makeup remover is like throwing money in the sea.

This is a cheap replacement for my beloved loreal bilayer mmakeup remover (which charges a ridiculous $100 for 100ml in HK) 

The oil layer removes anything that is water resistant while the aqueous layer gets rid of the rest. The only downside is it may hurts a bit when the liquid gets into my eyes.

Bifester is $49/145ml from Watson/Manning's. 

White Formula HK Super Moist Gel with Hyaluronic Acid

i was planned to write a review  on this but i have completely forget about it before i finished it lol

This is another cheap replacement for my lost-loved Clinique Moist Surge Extra (which triggered my sensitivity reaction when Clinique changed its formula)

White Formula does the same effect as Clinique but it only costs a fraction of Clinique's pricetag. and it is also free from coloring, alcohol, and  fragrances

Am I changing? Hell yes! 

($88from Manning's)

Ciao &see you next time xoxo

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 

Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.

2014年8月24日 星期日

原來不出門也不等於銀包很安全-鞋子是會自己送上門的 lol


最近因為準備友人婚禮, 一直在找一雙適合的鞋子, 可是在店裡看的,不是太貴就是不合我心意.

蜈蚣友人K在得知我找不到鞋子時, 就給我扔來一條LINK  =>click me<=


 為免發生看中款式卻沒有自己SIZE 的慘劇, 我是會先飛到FILTER 那裡把不是自己SIZE的鞋子FILTER 掉然後再看款式的

ZALORA 的呎碼有UK/US/EU可供選擇, 就算你不知道自己的SIZE, 在SIZE GUIDE 中也有教你要怎樣量SIZE的.

除了SIZE之外, 還有其他FILTERS 可以給你選. 想要價錢先決? 款式is king? 顏色才是王道? 通通都NO problem!

當你把你不想要FILTER掉之後, 就到看款的愉快時光了,
選中哪對就點那對, EASY!

選好款CLICK 了進去鞋子的頁面, 就會看到鞋子的大頭照, 想要多角度看他?旁邊也有鞋子的多角度寫真

 CLICK 一下照片就可以把他放大來看也是很重要的
看中款式但想看看有沒有其他顏色?ZALORA 也很貼心的給你準備好跌錢的捷徑

到你選好鞋子後就可以CLICK 進SHOPPING CHART 準備放下銀兩了.

一邊LIST 了你買了什麼, 另一邊就給你寫明你要付多少銀兩.
ZALORA 是扣除DISCOUNT 後HK$150 以上免郵, 買不夠的話就要付40塊郵費(好貴@A@, 要我付40個大洋做P&P 我不如拿那錢隨便買什麼買夠150 好了)


當看到order confirmation 之後就可以坐等鞋子送貨上門了:D

下單時order confrimation 說貨會在5-7個工作天送到,不過我的經驗是不用等那麼久


收貨時才發現原來Zalora 郵費要40大洋那麼貴是有原因的.

雖然這次的order 我買夠包郵的金額, 不過如果就算買不夠數要自付郵費的話, 錢是用來付快遞送上門也說得過


金色加上閃粉, 算是可以隨手拿來和什麼衣服都合得來的款式
加上防水台4吋高, 但是很好穿, 不是那種穿了就不用走路的鞋子


這家的鞋子呎吋算很準確,我平時穿39號鞋, 照ZALORA 的SIZE GUIDE 來說我是穿同一個碼(老實說我下單前根本沒有看SIZE GUIDE, 就直接下單買39號)

ONLINE SHOPPING 時最怕理想與現實不付乎, 送來的東西自己不喜歡
ZALORA 有三十日免費退貨, 只要把貨單填上退貨原因和你想貨款要怎樣回收, 把鞋子放回原來的包裝盒內再送回去就行了.

如果你拆包裝時沒有太心急把外面的膠袋拆爛, 外封的膠袋其實自帶了RESEALABLE 的膠帶, 可以給你重用那膠袋來退貨

把退件送去順豐收件店/ZALORA 的OFFICE 的話, 退件就會免運. 太方便了

這次在ZALORA不只買到需要的鞋子, 還學會足不出戶也能跌錢,
友人K, 你給我錢包帶來的傷害, 給我記住了!(笑)

✿ 歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿
✿ Find me on ✿
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✿ ubeauty - http://www.ubeauty.com.hk/member_blog/cometomisa/
✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717

Items mentioned in this post were purchased by me. All Opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見

2014年8月20日 星期三



這次的APPLEBOX 是和謝曬皮Crossover 的最後一期, 和以為的APPLEBOX 一樣, 他們都是先扔出一張盒內會有可能出現的東西的LIST, 每個盒入面會有8-9件, 但你會得到什麼, 就要看你的彩數了. 


a. Advance Pure Care Dinosaurs Mosquito Repellent Patches樂的健恐龍驅蚊貼 (14pcs/box)
b. alima PURE Satin Matte Blush – Mimosa 絲緞啞光胭脂 – Mimosa (1g) 及 Luminous Shimmer Blush – Freja 微亮胭脂 – Freja (1g)
c. ANGEL FACE Slimming Jelly 燃脂果凍 (2pcs)
d. Bijinsenmon美人專門 Leg-Slimming Mask 腳の焼 (1pc) 或 Arm-Slimming Mask 臂の焼 (1pc) 或 Belly-Slimming Mask 腩の焼 (1pc) 或 V Face-Slimming Mask Vの焼 (1pc)
e. Biore Biore UV Aqua Rich Essence SPF50+ PA+++ 碧柔水凝長效保濕防曬乳 (15g)f. Blackmores Blackmores Vitamin C 500mg Blackmores 維他命C 500 (60 Tablets) 或 Blackmores Evening Primrose Oil Blackmores 月見草油1000 (60 Capsules) 或 Blackmores Grape Seed Blackmores 葡萄籽加強配方 (30 Tablets) 或 Radiance Marine Q10 Blackmores 亮研海洋Q10 (30 Capsules)
g. Dream Skin Snail Whitening Clay Mask 零毛孔蝸牛美白清潔泥面膜 (100g)
h. Floxia Exfoliating Cream 更新抗氧面霜 (5ml)
i. JHB 100% Pure L-ascorbic acid fine powder 100%左旋維他命C (2g)
j. Kracie Hadabisei Aging-Care Moisturizing 3D Facial Mask 肌美精深層抗皺保濕3D立體面膜 (1pc)
k. La Roche Posay Effaclar Mat 控油收毛孔保濕乳 (3ml) 或 UVidea XL BB Cream (01) SPF50/ PPD18/ PA++++ 每日高效BB乳霜01 (3ml)
l. LaMav Anti-Ageing Vitamin C Mineral Foundation Powder有機礦物修護美白粉底 (1g)
m. Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Dreams EDP香水試用裝 (1.2ml)
n. Papulex Soap free cleansing gel 深層潔膚啫喱 (5ml) 及 Spot Gel 重點淨化精華 (5ml)

o. SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF 全能抗氧修護精華 (4ml)
p. Snail White Snail White Mask Shot SNAILWHITE 面膜 (1pc)
q. Trussardi Trussardi My Name EDP 香水試用裝 (1.5ml)
r. Vichy Aqualia Thermal Spa Sleeping Mask 溫泉礦物保濕SPA睡眠面膜 (2ml) 及 Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Serum 溫泉礦物活水循環保濕精華 (1.5ml) x 2sets


多謝GOOODAPPLE 送一堆好東西給我耶 :)

第十期apple box 介紹 


Applebox 13期

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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Disclosure: The products featured in this review have been kindly provided by the PR company. All opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.

此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

2014年7月20日 星期日

Empties of June 14

Hi everyone!
Sorry for being MIA for a while,  life had been super busy so i have to put my blogging on the side for a while.
Here comes the monthly empties

From the top right hand side: 
Innisfree Capsule Recipe Pack Jeju Volcano
It's an alright cleansing mask.  It does help removing my blacheads but i just think there are something better around.  
I may grap this with me when i am going on a trip or something. 

Kinerase C6-peptide &lotion *

Got these samples from Apple box.  They are claimed to help keeping winkles in bay.
i am not sure how the winkles bit works but they broke me out badly.
SOrry but they are no repurchasers. 

Bifesta bi-layer makeup remover
This baby had been featured in my empties if the month for so many times and i still love it! 
Of course i will buy this again! 

Middle row:

Senka Sunscreen SPF50 pa+++
Oh this works well to keep my sun tan in bay. I worn this when i went to a boat trip under a hot summer day.  
The only downside is it is a little bit pricy for its side.
Will repurchase when i need to having a fun time under the sun. 

Perfect whip face wash (is this also from Senka? I have no idea)
It is crap to foam. I can only get it foam nicely with the help of a foaming net. But when using a foaming net,  you will only need a very tiny amount of product to give a big pile of foam.  A  little goes a long way ;) 
. But once it is foamed it cleans my skin nicely without drawing too much moisture from my face.
Already on my second tube. 

Bottom row:
Bourjois health balance unifying powder in color 53 light beige
Bourjois never fail me in their powders.  But i picked a wrong color which is too pale for me and i still got another box of this in the same color sitting in my stock. Ouch.
May repurchase but i need to pick the right color lol

Phytoceutical (also known as Phyto C) Icy Blue B5 gel

My skin got so dry this summer and one day i decided to pop in a beauty store for a Bicelle  b5 gel.  But when i was there,  the shopkeeper suggested i could go for this B5 gel instead.  I am no explorer on skincares so i decided to go for a sample first. 
It was very light weight and absorb quickly when applying on my skin. and it does its job for a good b5 as well. 
Already repurchased a full-sized product. 

Senka whitening toner (refills)
So is this a good month to finish all my senka stuff? lol
i heard waves of this for a while but i though $100+ for a drugstore brand toner was a bit over the top.  
one day when i walk passed 759 amd i saw this refill pack for $60. Bargain!
WIll repurchase when i see the refill pack again lol

✿ 歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿
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✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717

- items with* were products kindly provided by PR company. All Opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.
此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

- other items mentioned in this post were purchased by me
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見

2014年5月16日 星期五

JOY-IN 大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱及金時薑纖盈啫喱

夏天來了, 又到了想吃零嘴但又怕長肉的時候。 如果可以找到能減肥去肚腩仔的零嘴就好了。

先謝謝一下BL 的小編大大發結我的愛!

這次收到的是來自JOY-IN 的兩種產品 


Made in japan的好放心

大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱加上了高纖的大麥若葉可以使poo poo 更順暢,加上羽衣甘藍,明目葉, 乳酸鈣等益生精華,一天吃一條就ok

金時薑纖盈啫喱中的金時薑能促進新陳代謝, 在運動前吃了他可以幫助燃燒脂肪, 令運動消脂效果更高

兩個啫喱的包裝都是小巧可愛路線, 上面都清楚印上賞味期限


不過最近天氣比較熱, 可能氣溫令啫喱融化了

金時薑纖盈啫喱沒有想像中的重薑味, 是比較甜甜的易入口
吃過金時薑纖盈啫喱後再去運動時,我覺得運動時身體好像發滾似的, 這應是在燃燒脂肪吧

大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱雖然最初聽到名字有"青汁"兩字,就會想到網球王子裡的乾汁 (汗)

青汁啫喱加進了菠蘿果肉, 吃起來會吃到果肉感覺很新奇

持續吃了幾天之後覺得poo poo 好似真的順暢多了

這兩隻啫喱拿來當零嘴還ok 的,在萬寧就可以買得到了。

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

       ✿ Find me on ✿
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✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260
 ✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717

 Disclosure: The products featured in this review have been kindly provided by the PR company. All opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review. 此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

2014年5月11日 星期日

Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

又是來Apple box 第13期的另一波

就來說說Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

話說肌研極潤這貨我在冬天時也一向有在用, 這次APPLEBOX 給我送上一支SAMPLE SIZE的極潤我就笑納了 (笑)

就算是SAMPLE SIZE, 上面還是印有生產編號和有效日期, 日本產果然一點也不馬虎

極潤是有點比較厚的TEXTURE, 雖然看起來好像有點難推但事實上一點不不難推, 還很易吸收!
入面右上了玻尿酸, 保水效果很不錯. 

之前為什麼會說到我在冬天時會用上 極潤, 是因為他真的太潤了, 
雖然極潤他家是有另外一隻比較清爽的VERSION, 但我自己還是比較喜歡原裝版的極潤


另, 最近看到他家出了一支自帶美白的白潤我有點心動

今季的代言人是前AKB48 ACE的前田敦子


但DM 完全一副PS 失敗的樣子..... 前田得罪了DM的工作人員嗎? 囧

第十期apple box 介紹 


Apple box 第13期

Blot-it! Face blotting paper面油紙


Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717  

Disclosure: The products featured in this review have been kindly provided by the PR company. All opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.

此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

2014年5月4日 星期日

Empties of April 14

又到月尾可以睇下今個月用曬d 咩
bilstex 藥用潤唇膏
乾到hihi 爆裂時用佢fu 一大pat 然後去訓, 第二朝個嘴就會靚返曬, 缺點係搽完個嘴會好似d 牙膏泡未洗淨咁白曬 囧

係英國果陣Bilstex lee支藥用潤唇膏有出有spf 版, 用黎減淡唇色極好用, 可惜係香港我搵極都搵唔到 :(

Bifester 水油Makeup remover
我用的落妝品,繼續以一個月ko 一支ge 速度用完

JUJU Aquamoist 玻尿酸清爽形化妝水
之前用曬存貨走入sa 記是但拎支ge 產物,含酒精,佢sell ge保濕其實唔係好做到

Fresh 黃糖潤色護唇膏SPF15
之前e活動抽中ge sample,  好用, 潤而且好longlasting,  佢貨size 夠膽死賣兩舊水一支果然係有佢原因
不過天氣太熱時佢會融 囧


Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere  
又一支holy gail , 當我d 皮膚開始敏感黎料時一用佢就好快平復
而且仲要有埋SPF20, 朝早可以做少一個STEP

✿歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

       ✿ Find me on ✿
✿ email - come.to.misa@gmail.com
✿ blogspot - http://between-hi-and-bye.blogspot.hk/ 
✿ iTrial - http://itrial.hk/user/cometomisa 
✿ iMORE - http://www.imore.hk/comtomisa
✿ ubeauty - http://www.ubeauty.com.hk/member_blog/cometomisa/ 
✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260 
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717  

Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 