2014年9月25日 星期四

Empties of March14

Empties are great,  every empty bottle means i have used up my stuff = i can buy something new lol

And here comes my byebye March lovelies. 

Bifesta bilayer eye makeup remover
Tbh i dont buy very expensive Facewash or mmakeup remover. these things dont stay on my face for very long.  And i just think spending hundreds for a bottle of makeup remover is like throwing money in the sea.

This is a cheap replacement for my beloved loreal bilayer mmakeup remover (which charges a ridiculous $100 for 100ml in HK) 

The oil layer removes anything that is water resistant while the aqueous layer gets rid of the rest. The only downside is it may hurts a bit when the liquid gets into my eyes.

Bifester is $49/145ml from Watson/Manning's. 

White Formula HK Super Moist Gel with Hyaluronic Acid

i was planned to write a review  on this but i have completely forget about it before i finished it lol

This is another cheap replacement for my lost-loved Clinique Moist Surge Extra (which triggered my sensitivity reaction when Clinique changed its formula)

White Formula does the same effect as Clinique but it only costs a fraction of Clinique's pricetag. and it is also free from coloring, alcohol, and  fragrances

Am I changing? Hell yes! 

($88from Manning's)

Ciao &see you next time xoxo

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此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 

Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.

