2014年4月24日 星期四

Tsubaki Hair care - Shampoo

I am always a fans of tsubaki (or something called Camilla in the West).  It grows pretty flowers and oils can be extracted from the seeds.

(Photo from:http://www.healthyskinsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/camellia_japonica_plant.jpg)

In the Far East I grew up in, tsubaki oils are known as an effective ingredient that makes your hair shines. 

I tried using tsubaki oil as a hair oil before but I was very dumb in controlling the amount used.  My hair and scalp looked like they haven't been washed for a week when i put too much lol

So oil on hair really isn't my thing and i truly believe i am not the only one. 

But people from the East (especially businessmen) are very clever.  Shiseido adapted the idea and decided to make a hair product line with tsubaki oil. 

(Photo from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg0smzD_FmsKHrlhSeb5DouiOULi_EDI_gIXCFlCvWFD800_t2qYA8dHcj2XwGWKROibg39F_gVuigHw5moT9MF0hqMRvvbKgWWU1II33SESLyEvA7qbYe0IseMATedr2BcFIuXM8_53SQ/s1600/1001796_614927541851576_194575414_n.jpg )

Shiseido's Tsubaki comes In three colors -

Red is for dyed hair
White is for Damaged hair
Yellow is the skin spa,which means something  for deep cleanse. 

I have never dye my hair so the red one is never on my list.

Mum loves the white one so there is always a constant supply of the white Tsubaki In the house.

I really fancy to try the yellow one but i am not very keen to slash my dosh for a big bottle.What should I do with the rest of the 1 litre bottle if i do not like it?  
But one day when I walked pass 759 and i saw this....

400 ml Refill packs!

Refills are great! They use less plastics and they are always cheaper than a full-sized bottle.

The pack comes with a little plastic straw embedded at the corner (at where i am holding) which makes life easier when pouring.

There are countless empty plastic bottles in the house, and managed to find her a new home.............

....................in an old Tsubaki White bottle lol

The shampoo itself is a clear yellow gel

And it foams easily with water.

My  hair feels very light. I literately swing my hair like what they did in Tsubaki's ad (see below) after my first wash lol

Btw, Shiseido LOVES using gorgeous Japanese actress in Tsubaki ads and they made those women look much more gorgeous!  
Tsubaki's new year ad is one of the advertisments that I look forward to watch every year. And yes, i really meant that!

This one is my all time favourite. Ryoko Hirosue simply looks gorgeous in this ad. 

Ciao and see you next time. 

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Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 

