2014年5月16日 星期五

JOY-IN 大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱及金時薑纖盈啫喱

夏天來了, 又到了想吃零嘴但又怕長肉的時候。 如果可以找到能減肥去肚腩仔的零嘴就好了。

先謝謝一下BL 的小編大大發結我的愛!

這次收到的是來自JOY-IN 的兩種產品 


Made in japan的好放心

大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱加上了高纖的大麥若葉可以使poo poo 更順暢,加上羽衣甘藍,明目葉, 乳酸鈣等益生精華,一天吃一條就ok

金時薑纖盈啫喱中的金時薑能促進新陳代謝, 在運動前吃了他可以幫助燃燒脂肪, 令運動消脂效果更高

兩個啫喱的包裝都是小巧可愛路線, 上面都清楚印上賞味期限


不過最近天氣比較熱, 可能氣溫令啫喱融化了

金時薑纖盈啫喱沒有想像中的重薑味, 是比較甜甜的易入口
吃過金時薑纖盈啫喱後再去運動時,我覺得運動時身體好像發滾似的, 這應是在燃燒脂肪吧

大麥若葉菁汁健腸啫喱雖然最初聽到名字有"青汁"兩字,就會想到網球王子裡的乾汁 (汗)

青汁啫喱加進了菠蘿果肉, 吃起來會吃到果肉感覺很新奇

持續吃了幾天之後覺得poo poo 好似真的順暢多了

這兩隻啫喱拿來當零嘴還ok 的,在萬寧就可以買得到了。

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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 Disclosure: The products featured in this review have been kindly provided by the PR company. All opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review. 此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

2014年5月11日 星期日

Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

又是來Apple box 第13期的另一波

就來說說Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

話說肌研極潤這貨我在冬天時也一向有在用, 這次APPLEBOX 給我送上一支SAMPLE SIZE的極潤我就笑納了 (笑)

就算是SAMPLE SIZE, 上面還是印有生產編號和有效日期, 日本產果然一點也不馬虎

極潤是有點比較厚的TEXTURE, 雖然看起來好像有點難推但事實上一點不不難推, 還很易吸收!
入面右上了玻尿酸, 保水效果很不錯. 

之前為什麼會說到我在冬天時會用上 極潤, 是因為他真的太潤了, 
雖然極潤他家是有另外一隻比較清爽的VERSION, 但我自己還是比較喜歡原裝版的極潤


另, 最近看到他家出了一支自帶美白的白潤我有點心動

今季的代言人是前AKB48 ACE的前田敦子


但DM 完全一副PS 失敗的樣子..... 前田得罪了DM的工作人員嗎? 囧

第十期apple box 介紹 


Apple box 第13期

Blot-it! Face blotting paper面油紙


Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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Disclosure: The products featured in this review have been kindly provided by the PR company. All opinions are honest and completely mine, and it would not alter my review in any way despite the products have been seen for review.

此產品由品牌提供試用. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 品牌提供試用不會影響本人對產品評價.

2014年5月4日 星期日

Empties of April 14

又到月尾可以睇下今個月用曬d 咩
bilstex 藥用潤唇膏
乾到hihi 爆裂時用佢fu 一大pat 然後去訓, 第二朝個嘴就會靚返曬, 缺點係搽完個嘴會好似d 牙膏泡未洗淨咁白曬 囧

係英國果陣Bilstex lee支藥用潤唇膏有出有spf 版, 用黎減淡唇色極好用, 可惜係香港我搵極都搵唔到 :(

Bifester 水油Makeup remover
我用的落妝品,繼續以一個月ko 一支ge 速度用完

JUJU Aquamoist 玻尿酸清爽形化妝水
之前用曬存貨走入sa 記是但拎支ge 產物,含酒精,佢sell ge保濕其實唔係好做到

Fresh 黃糖潤色護唇膏SPF15
之前e活動抽中ge sample,  好用, 潤而且好longlasting,  佢貨size 夠膽死賣兩舊水一支果然係有佢原因
不過天氣太熱時佢會融 囧


Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere  
又一支holy gail , 當我d 皮膚開始敏感黎料時一用佢就好快平復
而且仲要有埋SPF20, 朝早可以做少一個STEP

✿歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

       ✿ Find me on ✿
✿ email - come.to.misa@gmail.com
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✿ iTrial - http://itrial.hk/user/cometomisa 
✿ iMORE - http://www.imore.hk/comtomisa
✿ ubeauty - http://www.ubeauty.com.hk/member_blog/cometomisa/ 
✿ Theztyle - http://www.theztyle.com/?76260 
✿ FnB - http://www.fnb.hk/blog/31723
✿ beautylife - http://beautylife.hk/?93717  

Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.
此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 

Happy birthday, Audrey.

Happy birthday, Audrey.

2014年5月3日 星期六

innisfree capsule recipe pack - Jejubija and Tea Tree Review

To be fair,  I am never a fan of Korean skincare.  I had a bad experience with K-skincare before.

Many years ago,  I received a mask sample from a Korean brand who just started their business in HK at that time. 

I was a rookie to skincare at that time, and i did not know sometimes skincare product could go really wrong.  Yes,  you guess it. Something in that mask triggered my allergy.  My skin turned bright red,  itchy and painful after putting that on me for two minutes.  That does not feel good at all.  

This experience put me off from Korean skincare and i had never use k-brands from then. 

Throughout the years I build up knowledge (and fails) on skincare.  I realized what happened was caused by the ingredients - that brand was infamous for putting loads of fragrances in their products, which is a trigger of skin allergies.  I still avoid products from that K-brand (which is still growing strong in Asia) if possible, but my view on K-brand had changed. 

After years in Europe,  i moved back to HK and found out K-brand is everywhere! They are more affordable than JP/EU brands,  and not all of them are packed with fragrances.  

One day when I was wandering in the city,  I saw an ad listing a really good bargain on something I want from a "water good store".  But when I was about to paid,  the store keeper told me I have to buy a non-discounted product before i can get the bargain price.  Oh thanks.  so I just randomly grab the cheapest item on the shelf and off to the till. 

15 minutes after paying i realized i got something K-brand. GREAT! I cant just throw that in the bin right? Lets give K-brand another go and see what happens! \

According to my good old friend Google, Innisfree capsule pack is a single dose facial
 (Koreans call facial mask as "pack") 

(Image from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPxi2Aa6t_kRX_e0BKBMNuJQqvo4SMq9J61zmBhPeKVBdIgmKiyIPn3iODSo2wb6b2iDx5iNITsBJJaQY4PAwN9uLpsMWy06MXUHG7N-xUHios6-E89GqyClMTA32DSEvzU7oEq-33f24/s934/Innisfree+Capsule+Recipe+Pack+new.jpg)

The one i got on a rush is a Jejubija and Tea Tree (榧子&茶樹) 10ml mask that could cleanse dirts in pores.  I got some luck to grabbed something that suits me lol

This pack is supposed for a single dose so you would expected it is small and tiny. 

It got a very strong scent of tea tree oil.  The tea tree oil added could help claiming acnes. That would still got for my spots lol
The clay mask reminded me French green clay that I used for my DIY masks when I was in UK. (French green clays & other forms of facial clays are widely available on evil-bay. I paid less than 5 pounds/ kilo and it lasts forever! I got too much left so I had to throw them away when I left UK) 

The capsule was sealed with a foil and there is a slit on the side. When opening this foil, remember don't pull the whole thing of the plastic.

If you can't finish the mask in one go (which I can't), you can stuff the little flap on the side into this slit to reseal the mask. That's clever isn't it?

Even though the packaging comes with this clever seal, I will still wrap up the mask with cling films between uses (or maybe pop it in the fridge to keep it away from damp and moistures).

The manufacture date was printed on the packing - no more guesswork on mysterious codes for expiry dates
(And you can see I had stuffed the foil into the seal from here)

Innisfree says the mask should stay on face for 10-15 minutes, But as a rule of thumb, all clay-based mask should go before it dries off completely. If it stays too long on the face, it draws moisture out from your skin, or it can irritates it. Make sure your alarm is ready when using clay masks. 

Put a layer of mask that is thick enough so you cannot see you own skin underneath. If it is not thick enough, that means the mask will not work at its full potential = you are just wasting products. 

Then sit back and relax. 

Clay masks are a bit hard to wash away when they are dried, but I always go straight under the shower when it is ready to go so this is never a problem to me.

This cute capsule did a good job to get the white and black heads out from my pores. My skin looks much brighter

Did i mentioned how much i paid?

HK$7 !  
You couldn't even get some chips from big M with$7

If you are not fancy buying from "water goods "stores, this mask is available in official innisfree stores in Causeway bay/ Queensway Plaza Facess/ Harbour City Facesss and Mong Kok, and it would cost you$15 each.

Innisfree Jejubija and Tea Tree capsule recipe pack is something for you if you are after a cheap cleansing mask.

The only downside is it is very small and could go off easily after open.

Will I buy it again? Hell yes, but Innisfree is offering so many temptations so I may get distracted and try another pack next time lol

歡迎合作試用 聯絡請E-mail 至come.to.misa@gmail.com✿

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此產品由本人購入. 所有用後分享為個人意見, 

Disclosure: The product featured in this review had been purchased by me. All opinions are honest and completely mine.